Looking at the energy challenge that the planet is facing, it is necessary to rethink energy consumption and production. The energy market is currently undergoing a technological and industrial disruption. Oil & Gas is currently undergoing a crisis where renewable energies and nuclear represent the future. SURFEO is able to support you in these technological challenges: energy transition, new propulsion, nuclear, storage …
Market is moving fast, Oil & Gas is facing an economical crisis, they are chellenged deeply by stockholdes and shareholders that force the market to deeply rethnk their model.
The Energy transition makes the lines move. The development of the Hydrogen, Wind, Photovoltaic and Storage sectors creates threats for the historical players and opportunities for new entrants. Finally, it is legitimate to ask what will be the role of nuclear power in this evolution.
With more than 10 years of experience in the sector, SURFEO’s teams meet the needs of their clients who wish to establish their position in this context.
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