Following the Covid-19 crisis, the government launched in early September 2020 the 100 billion€ recovery plan to address the epidemic and boost the economy. As Bruno Le Maire, the minister of the economy, announces the end of this stimulus plan, it is time to understand how it has supported investment and modernization of the aviation sector.
Many companies have responded to the call for projects launched by the French government as part of the France Relance Plan. The fund dedicated to the modernization of the aeronautical industry is in the form of subsidies and is within the limits of European regulations on public aid to companies.
Determined to turn this crisis into an opportunity, companies of all sizes have chosen to apply for the stimulus package. Although the strategies and motivations are different. Diversification; relocation; internalization or innovation, the goal is the same for beneficiary managers: boosting activity and preparing for the “post-covid” future after the decline in activity recorded in 2020.
This is the case of the company ST Composites, specialized in composite aeronautical parts. Heavily impacted by the crisis, the company, thanks to the help of the State, intends to start by serving other sectors such as drones, health, telecoms and luxury goods. And in a second time aims a transformation of the organization by focusing on digitization, robotization and 3D printing. it is this transformation that has benefited of the State’s help: an investment of 1M€ to which the public authorities participate up to 800 000 €.
The Tarbes-based SME Adhetec, which belongs to the Alvest group and whose turnover has fallen by 30%, has also chosen to diversify. Indeed, the company, which deploys adhesive solutions for interior and exterior decoration, but also protection and masking products, is going to receive a €1.2 million subsidy as part of a diversification and robotization project worth around €3 million.
LIEBHERR-AEROSPACE TOULOUSE, which specializes in the design and manufacture of air systems for aircraft, has submitted a project to internalize a key component that was previously imported from the United States. The company’s ambition is to modernize its production tools, which is in line with the ambitions set out in the France Relance Plan.
For the ETI, the State’s support is formalized by the granting of a €2.4M subsidy within the framework of a project that represents an overall investment of €5M.
Innovation is also one of the pillars of the Recovery Plan. Moreover, the innovative start-up Syntony, which specializes in location solutions for the aeronautics and space industry, has launched a project and R&D program called “Locnes” for underground location and navigation. In concrete terms, the company wants to extend its solution to the Galileo system, enabling GPS to operate underground. It is an investment project that requires 1M€ and is subsidized by the State at 80%.
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