In 2012, EDF and AREVA have obtained for generic design acceptance for the EPR™ reactor from the UK regulatory authorities.
The UK EPR™ design is based on the Flamanville EPR™ (FA3) plant being built in France but incorporates a number of design changes agreed through the Generic Design Assessment with the UK Regulators.
The UK EPR™ reactor is a Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR) with a rated thermal power of 4500 MW and an electrical power output around 1630 MW depending on conventional island technology and heat sink characteristics.
The EPR™ evolutionary design is based on the experience gained of many years of operation of Light Water Reactors worldwide, primarily the most recent European PWRs. The EPR™ primary system design, loop configuration, and main components are similar to those of currently operating PWRs, giving a proven foundation for the design.
The EPR™ design complies with safety requirements formulated by the French and German nuclear safety authorities for the next generation of nuclear reactors.